Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Holocaust AoW Impressions

Last Friday, I've heard a lot of stories from in-class sharing of articles related to the Holocaust. Well, except for three people having the same article to share, but I still got something new from each account.

I will start by talking about the story that three people in the class had to share. Israel has been refusing to provide aid for Syrian refugees, and it isn't sitting well for Holocaust survivors, who were once in the same situation. They have been demanding that Israel, as well as other countries, help the refugees immediately. The article in which the story was told was titled Holocaust survivors demand Israel help refugees, and was published on September 10, 2015.

The story I find most interesting is that of Oskar Groening, former Auschwitz guard accused of 300,000 counts of accessory to murder, which means that he has assisted 300,000 murders. Oskar himself feels moral guilt, but denies that he has directly assisted any of these murders. He says that any of his decisions as an Auschwitz guard were of the Nazi state, and he does not consider himself accountable for them.

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