Sunday, January 24, 2016

2nd Quarter Reflection

The end of the 2nd Quarter, huh? Usually, it would be the end of the 3rd Quarter for me. I am rather disoriented because of this, since I keep getting hopeful that school is going to end, and being disappointed when I realize I'm not in the Philippines anymore…

But I digress. I will try to reflect on this past quarter as best as I can.

「*In what area do you think you made your biggest improvements in the English Language Arts?

This is a tough one, since I don't pay much attention to which skills I could improve. I would say that I've gotten a little better at staying on task in class. This applies mostly to late in the quarter. I've been able to keep up with the class constantly. My ability to do so at home hasn't changed, though, which sucks.

「*What is something you have accomplished since the new year that you are proud of?

I can't remember anything to be proud of related to this class aside from being able to submit my TKAM Comparative Analysis on time. It's rather small, but I feel like that was a start of keeping up more frequently.

「*What has been the most challenging part of 2nd Quarter for you and what did/can you do to help overcome this?

This one is easy. Reading every single page of two chapters in To Kill a Mockingbird, supplying those pages with annotations of decent quality, and working on answering the questions for those two chapters; combined with my subpar time management skill. Due to regrettable decisions on my part, I usually had to stay up until around 1 a.m. Looking back on that time, I'm surprised I wasn't late to school more often.
Anyway, I only managed to do this by persisting in getting my work done, hitting my head when needed. Oh, and playing music I like while working also helped.

*Of the books you have read this quarter, which was your favorite? Why?

To Kill a Mockingbird. I both dislike the book and absolutely love it. I dislike it since it brings up some pretty bad memories of trying to squeeze out whatever I had left in my brain cells late at night to try and finish the day's work on the book. Though I love it because it has a realistic feel to it. Harper Lee, the author, supposedly based the book on real events that happened in her childhood. If that was the case, then I would believe that Harper Lee had eidetic memory at the time she was writing this, which allowed her to describe scenes and events in detail. And there are just a lot of characters in the book, you know? You could probably relate to one or some other. My point is, I really enjoyed reading through the book, even if it was late at night and I was in need of sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Paolo! You were descriptive in your blog, but within few sentences. One thing I would suggest is changing this setence, "My ability to do so at home hasn't changed, though, which sucks." I think you should change sucks to a more appropriate word, know your audience. I thought the beginning of your blog was interesting. How early did school end for you? What do you miss most about home. Also, I definetly agree with you on staying up late to finish homework.


Please remember the class rules about comments. Don't write anything you wouldn't say in person to a classmate.