Wednesday, October 28, 2015

1st Quarter Reflection

  The first quarter of the school year is coming to an end, and I have to say, that was fast.

  The 40 Book Challenge shouldn't be a problem. If you count what I read outside of ELA activities, I'd have two books under rmy belt, with a third one coming soon. If you don't count what I read outside of ELA, I'm struggling, since I've only finished one book I picked from the library, and haven't made much progress with another. Then again, I enjoy reading. I read quickly, so I may be able to catch up on that second book.

  My blog here hasn't been growing too well. I was told to made this blog and post weekly with things related to the title of the blog, but that was when I was in Miss Rut's class. I'm not sure about what to do with it in this new class. I'd appreciate it if anyone gave advice in the comments.

  Any strategies that helped me throughout the quarter? I don't pay attention to how I think, so I have little to no idea if I developed any strategies for any specific classes. Although I would say that subconsciously developing my muscle memory to open my locker quickly has helped me be more on time.

  I haven't learned anything about the world when it comes to ELA. Even then, I can't come up with anything for other classes, either.
  Here's something everyone should know about me: overall, I think I have the worst short term memory here. I remember listening intently to memoirs by other people a few weeks ago, and remembering nothing shortly after.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paolo! I was reading your blog, obviously, and you asked for help, so here I am. Here in Mrs. Larson's class, blogs are usually under your control unless strictly asked otherwise. For your weekly blog, which we really haven't done recently, you would go to her blog: and go to the side bar labeled 'blog archive.' If you go all the way to the bottom and click '2013', and then 'October', three things should pop up; Lottery History- eigth grade, student commenting on blogger, and student blogging for forty book challenge. You should click the last one; student blogging for forty book challenge. After clicking that, a blog post should pop up explaining our blog syllabus. Mrs. Larson writes explicit directions on how to write our weekly blogs and also the amount of blogs per book. When you finish reading her instructions, there should be this ginourmus list of prompts to pick from such as "after reading I wonder..." Or "if you could talk to the author what are three questions you would ask?" You should pick one of these prompts, or if the prompt is short, two. Then you will go to blogger and write a new post. As your title you should put, 'Blog for Week of ______" and you would put in the date of the Monday, so for example, "Blog for Week of Nov. 2." Then you will put the title of your book. So your overall result should be, "Blog for Week of Nov. 2, To Kill A Mockingbird." When you write your blog, you should format it like this:
    Prompt: copy and paste the promt you choose
    Book: write the title of the book in italize
    Author: put the author of the book
    Pages read: put the page you started to the page you ended, i.e. 20-60.
    A good way to tell how many pages you should read would be dividing the number of pages in the book by 21 since you should finish your book in three weeks. Then you would just simply anser the prompt(s). Don't forget to include your picture or graphic! The picture could be a picture of the book or something relating to the book. If you need any more help or if you are confused on something, please don't be scared to ask me.


Please remember the class rules about comments. Don't write anything you wouldn't say in person to a classmate.